Sunday, November 28, 2010

Avery's Musings

Sitting at a red light.  

A:  I wish I had flying skates and a jet pack.  I would fly over these trees to Costco.  Jet packs are much faster than cars and airplanes.

3 going on 13

A: Mom, I am sooo hungry, I'm, like, starving to death.

M: (laughing) O.K. lets go home and have lunch.

A:  Mom! Don't laugh!

M: Oh, sorry.  This is serious.  Would you like an apple?

A: Ooohh My, this apple is like, totally wrinkled.  Totally.

Like totally Avery.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010


Am I the only person on the planet that doesn't love Halloween?

First, I don't like dressing up.  In fact, I remember the last time I dressed up for Halloween.  I was 11 and borrowed some of my dad's camouflage last minute, but I distinctly remember not caring at all and wanting to stay home and hand out candy instead.  I just can't get into it.

Second, I can't stand how the only thing on TV the week before are scary movies.  Scary movies are the worst.  So gross and unnecessary.

Third, any Holiday where my neighbors insist on hanging disgusting monsters all over their porches with knives and blood and all kinds of nasty stuff just rubs me the wrong way.  Its just gross.

SO that said, I tried really hard to be excited for Avery.  She decided she wanted to be a ballerina first, so she went to one party dressed in a tutu and leotard from the dress up box.   Great.  Success.  No work for me.

When it was time to get ready for "Trunk or Treat" she decided to have a look through her box and uncovered some dog ears.  And the cutie asks -

"Mom, do we have the stuff to make a doggie costume?  I think I would like to be a doggie for this party."

Anyway, I was pretty proud of what we came up with in the 10 min. before we left.  She even had a cute little tail with a bow on it in the back.

 Huge success.  Awesome idea Avery.